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We are always seeking talented people. In case you cannot find your desired position here, please send us your LinkedIn profile and give us your contact information. We will be in touch.
No vacancies found in this department at the moment. Please check back later or share your LinkedIn profile with us.
What benefits are waiting for you?
GTC offers a variety of hand-picked benefits that you can take advantage of!
Flexible working hours
Wellness Programs
Health care Insurance
Bonuses and Incentives
Transportation Benefits
Parental Leave
Paid Time Off (PTO)
Disability Insurance
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)
Retirement Plans
Employee referral bonus
- Service
- Single Service
GTC Mall
GTC apartments
Serviced Suites
All copyrights ©2023. GTC Media
Intersection of Waiyaki Way & Chiromo lane, Westlands.
0207290000 / 0791888777
EMAIL : info@gtc.co.ke